Monday, November 7, 2016

View this Video Testimonial from Montesito Plastic Surgery

View this Video Testimonial from Montesito Plastic Surgery, explaining how the merchant account services from PayJunction have improved operations at their practice.
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Monday, October 17, 2016

Why Your Current Processing Terminal May be Bad for Business

here's a great article from PayJunction, informing merchants of the benefits of new EMV technology available to accept all forms of customer payments.

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Monday, October 10, 2016

3 Ways your Practice is Susceptible to a New Type of Chargeback

Due to last October's Liability Shift, there's a new type of chargeback related to EMV transactions. Learn More.
to learn more, contact

Thursday, September 29, 2016

What business owners need to know about Chargeback Fraud

Also known as friendly fraud, chargeback fraud, or cyber shoplifting, this loophole in the buying process is left on the table for customers to exploit at their leisure, making your business susceptible to chargebacks. Read the Article.
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Monday, September 26, 2016

a Video Testimonial from Caldwell's Pharmacy

Listen to how Caldwell's Pharmacy benefits from PayJunction's modern EMV technology and proprietary software. Video

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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Paperless practices can save time & money

When practices go paperless, they can save time and money using electronic signature capture, digital payment records, and online cloud tstorage of cusotmer payment records.
PayJunction's Blog Post

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